Our Story
March 17, 2004
Over lunch we had a dream, it was quite a scheme;
To find friends who like to knit and start to build a knitting guild.
As March 17 was celebrated in 2004, the lunch buddies met to get a guild formed.
By-laws were written, a mission statement created and the Bluebonnet Knitting Guild was completed.
We've grown, we've stumbled, but we have persevered; teaching and sharing to help keep a craft preserved.
The Knitapalooza is our claim to fame; a time for all to knit and crochet with no shame!
Everyone is invited to join in the fun. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month - let's all join as one!
To finish this little ditty we'd like to thank the lunch buddies and early adopters:
Cheryl Mason, Cincy Hailey, Maria Adams, Alyssa Shaffer, Janice Lee, Ruth Eastman, Marilyn Chapman, Jeannie Barnett
The members who were not afraid to take the plunge that first year were:
Sherry Smith, Toni Tharp, Susan Epstein, Judy Pfaff, Lisa Anderson, Karen Scarberry
Apologies to any friends we've missed.